Wednesday, November 30, 2011
SKYDOLL by Michael Walsh
This isn't my usual style but I thought I would try out something new this week. Thanks for lookin'.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
STORM by Ryan Bullard
Oh man, Thor's swingin his hammer pretty hard..
- Oh Bwunnhilda, you're so wovely..
- Yes I know it, I can't help it.
- Oh Bwunnhilda, be my wuv!
- Return my wuv, a wonging burns deep inside me..
- Return my love, I want you always beside me..
- Wuve wike ours must bee..
- Meant for you and for me.
- Return, won't you return my love, for my looove is yours!
(again, opening the image in a new tab will have the original size)
STORM by Andrea Scott
It's been a while since we had a guest post! This one is from our friend and Selena's roommate, Andrea "Seabiscuit" Scott, esq. Andrea's a freelance illustrator, burgeoning concept artist and full time reader of those weird fantasy paperback novels you see in that one section at Chapters or whatever and wonder 'who is it that reads these'? It's her! Check out more of Andrea's fantastic work in her online portfolio!
Monday, November 28, 2011
STORM by Neil Tavares
Sunday, November 27, 2011
STORM by meaghan carter!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
STORM by David Cutler
I like Storm a lot. I think she's swell. I'd put her on my X-Men dream team. They falsely teased a Storm/Cyclops relationship on a recent Astonishing X-Men cover. Missed opportunity for a really fun will they won't they given both heroes are in pretty solid relationships anyway. I just want to see Ororo and Emma throw down.
The feeling I stole this composition or color pallet from someone else's drawing of Storm is strong with this one. I still like it though.
The feeling I stole this composition or color pallet from someone else's drawing of Storm is strong with this one. I still like it though.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
STORM by Gerard de la Costa

Trust me, this was pure coincidence.
I really had no strong feelings about Storm until the X-Men's run-in with the Morlocks. Her new punk look and the way she kicked Callisto's ass sans her weather powers really made an impression on me. Plus, it didn't hurt that Paul Smith was entrusted with the art chores on the book (so good it makes my eyes rain!).
STORM by Michael Walsh
I was initially going to colour this but I really think the black and white turned out well and I didn't want to take away from it. As for the character herself, I think Storm is probably my favourite Marvel woman. I couldn't resist drawing her punker incarnation, just so fun to draw.
BEAST BOY by Maya Nord
I watched Teen Titans pretty regularly when it was airing, and it remains my sole exposure to Teen Titans as a whole, so as far as I'm concerned his name IS Beast Boy, and this is the only costume he's ever worn.
Anyway, this illustration is pretty simple, BB is all attitude and his shadow reflects his power. I read somewhere that Pteranodon was one of his favourite forms in the show, so I went with that.
Anyway, this illustration is pretty simple, BB is all attitude and his shadow reflects his power. I read somewhere that Pteranodon was one of his favourite forms in the show, so I went with that.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
BEAST BOY by Ryan Bullard
Uh, now eventually you do plan to have beasts on your, on your Beast Boy week, right? Uh, hello? Yes?
(I think you can view it in a little bigger size if you "open image in a new tab", that's if you were into that sort of thing.)
BEAST BOY by David Cutler
Jungle love, it's drivin' me mad, it's makin' me crazy.
Awesome pick this week by Selena--Beast Boy's pretty much my favorite non-Robin Titan, though that's only since the animated series. The 80s comic book version in the christmas colours always annoyed me. Gonna be a fun week!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
BEAST BOY by Gerard de la Costa

Upon taking a second glance, my Beast Boy came out slightly more feral than the Gar we're all accustomed to.
And yes, that is the Thundercats Lion-O glove that he's sporting. :-)
Fyi, the original drawing was done with a Grand & Toy ball point pen.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
BEAST BOY by Michael Walsh
I kinda mashed up the costume from his animated appearance and the comics here but it seems to work out pretty good. Used this character as a good excuse to draw a crazy forest.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Hey guys! Long time no post, sorry about that. October was a hell of a month for me, but I should be back on schedule and posting regularly for the foreseeable future.
While I was aware of The Rocketeer, I wasn't really familiar with anything about it other than "oh it's that guy with a cool helmet and a jetpack and his girlfriend is Bettie Page spelt with a 'y'" so I had to do some research before starting on this. I had a few concepts for the illustration, but settled on this one in the end since it seemed both atypical and easy.
I was wrong about the latter.
THE ROCKETEER - Neil Tavares

For me, I did watch the Rocketeer as a kid, but that was about it really. I remember seeing the old movie and thinking how cool it would be to zoom around on my own rocket pack. I more than likely did zoom around the house afterwards, maybe with my favorite action figure zooming with me (Mikey of the Ninja Turtles). I would say that I did like him, and I have always thought that he was such a neat character, but I was never really "IN" to him. I had some real fun drawing him this time around. I tried to give him the respect he deserves. Hope you all enjoy, I know I did.
Cheers all!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Here's the Rocketeer, a character whose film I have vague memories of from early childhood. The bits of the Dave Stevens comic that my little bit of research turned up looked surprisingly violent.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
THE ROCKETEER by Michael Walsh
I've had a really crazy week so I didn't get to put in as much time on this as I wanted but am pretty happy with the turnout. A little sketchier then most of my entries but I did have a lot of fun with it!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
THE ROCKETEER by Gerard de la Costa

It's my pick this week and I've always had a fondness for the Rocketeer ever since my friends and I managed to score some passes for a preview showing at the Cinesphere way back in June of 1991. This led me to seek out Dave Stevens' comic which is just so easy on the eyes -- do yourself a favour and pick it up!
My version has Cliff Secord's girlfriend, Betty, donning the helmet and rocket pack because, well, let's face it, we all know my penchant for drawing cheesecake will not be denied! And I'm still on my cardboard paper kick, this time with red ColErase pencils.
Monday, November 7, 2011
ATOMIC ROBO by meaghan carter!
Friday, November 4, 2011
ATOMIC ROBO by David Cutler
I don't remember at what age I discovered I was more or less the last person left on earth romanticizing the hobo life, but it came as a blow I can assure you.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
ATOMIC ROBO by Ken House
Atomic Robo's simple, anatomy-ish design was a lot of fun to draw, I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the batch.
Well I'm kinda late to the Halloween party, but I think you'll get over it, right? Right.
My Universal Monsters pick was The Metaluna Mutant from 1955's "This Island Earth". At first I really didn't know what I could do for the mutant besides just having him stand around or trying to kill someone, but then I remember the one thing all monsters have in common: They're super horny.
Almost every monster I can think of is trying to steal our lovely earth women for their own twisted monster needs. So I just ran with that, and ended up adding the horniest of all monsters, the Martians from 1962's "Mars Attacsks!" trading cards and there you have it. I imagine the Martians saved the Mutant from his doomed home of Metaluna in order to worship him in all his brainy horniness. God help our women folk.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
MR. HYDE by Gerard de la Costa
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