It's the dreaded weeks heading up to Toronto's Fan Expo, which is an enormous 75 000 fan-strong nerd fest in the heart of downtown this place. A bunch of us are going nuts trying to get stuff done for it, so updates may be sporadic, but Ken and Neil have promised to pick up the slack and do that thing they do.
In the meantime, here's an unbelievably fantastic Deadpool by local hero Martin MacIntosh. Martin's a 2011 grad of the MTM Animation School illustration for sequential arts program, and his work is so manic and energetic it blows me away every time. I'm pretty much his biggest fan, and I picked Deadpool for this week partly with him in mind. Since it looks like I may not get to do one myself, this is an awesome and superior substitute. Check out Martin's
sketch blog, too! It's pretty math.