All right then. Firstly, I just have to say I know nothing about Miss Martian. So if you're a fan of hers and this is just not something she would ever do, it's not my fault man. From the bits and pieces I gathered from the mighty interweb, I understand she's the Martian Manhunter's niece, and I'm assuming she has the same powers as him, which is, well, every power ever. Also, she likes puppies. And I understand, she's not really the same type of Martian as J'onn at all, but the evil rival White Martians.. or something. DC gives me a headache..
Anyhoo, here's some White Martians attacking another White Martian disguised as a Green Martian disguised as human protecting a fat pug. Enjoy.
I'd also like to welcome Ryan to our.. wait..
Kidding, thanks for the love my Spit-brethren!