Thursday, April 28, 2011
ATOM by David Cutler and Adam Metcalfe
When I saw this in my inbox I yelled "holy crap" out loud, three, maybe four times. It takes a nation of Adam Metcalfes to make me look like a real artist. Bravo, sir.
Monday, April 25, 2011
ATOM by Meaghan Carter
- meaghan!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
ASTRO BOY by Ken House
I'm really glad I got to draw Astro Boy this week. For me his costume is basically perfect. The pick also got me to rewatch a two-parter episode from 1980, which was pretty great.
Astro's not afraid to do some robot punchin' but he'd rather extend a hand in friendship, because robot's are people too, only people whose deaths are not quite as big of a deal. It's easy to see why it was such fertile ground for Pluto, which I confess to not having read, though it's been at the top of my list for ages.
Astro's not afraid to do some robot punchin' but he'd rather extend a hand in friendship, because robot's are people too, only people whose deaths are not quite as big of a deal. It's easy to see why it was such fertile ground for Pluto, which I confess to not having read, though it's been at the top of my list for ages.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
SPAWN by Gerard de la Costa

Ok, truthfully, I've never drawn Spawn and this was actually a fun character to draw; certainly not one of the usual heroes or villains in my "go to" list when I'm in the mood to draw something. I went old school, opting for Prismacolor markers due to my debilitating fear of Photoshop (my therapist and support group are all rooting for me - I'll beat this Photoshophobia!). Check out my sketchblog for the lineart.
When the idea of Spitballin' was presented to me I felt honoured to be included with the other talented artists. I hope that every week, with every character that we do, we'll be bringing out the best in each other. I guess that's what's at the core of this sketchgroup: to bring you out of your comfort zone, draw characters for the first time, and show everyone what you bring to the table art-wise.
This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
- Gerard
SPAWN by Meaghan Carter
Hey guys! Here's my Spawn addition to this week's collection. Like Selena- I didn't really grow up with Spawn like the rest of the guys did. My only connection to him is a vague memory of the movie when I was small haha. My own google image search came up with two things 'big cape, heavy inking'. So I chose to take this as an opportunity to try blacking out with ink
Thursday, April 21, 2011
SPAWN by Michael Walsh & Adam Metcalfe
Just thought I would post this up. The amazingly talented Adam Metcalfe took my Spawn inks and went to town. He really did put my colors to shame. Expect more colorful appearances from our friend and fellow Spitballer' Mr. Metcalfe.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
SPAWN by Ken House
Spawn wasn't a big part of my childhood, nor do i know an awful lot about him but he was great fun to draw. I'd like to imagine that even though Spawn can kill a man with just one ankle, he's not too cool to enjoy being spooky or attempting to crump in a spooky way.
I'm excited to be here with a bunch of talented artists and looking forward to next week's character!
I'm excited to be here with a bunch of talented artists and looking forward to next week's character!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
SPAWN by David Cutler
Being that this is both my first post here and my first time choosing the character to be Spitballed, I wanted to make sure it was something fun. I tossed around a bunch of character ideas but in the end I arrived at Todd McFarlane's Spawn. Like Michael, I hadn't drawn the guy since I was 12 or 13, when I used to copy him out of the comics that came with the original action figures. It's amazing that even though his costume's covered in common 90s superhero excesses (he's got spikes, skulls, chains, pouches, an impractically long cape, and very often gigantic guns--he's only missing one enormous shoulder pad) he still manages to look really cool.
You can check out the lineart at my blog, posted in the sidebar. Can't wait to find out who we're doing next. This is gonna be awesome.
- David
Sunday, April 17, 2011
SPAWN by Michael Walsh
Here we go... This is a pretty interesting pick by David and very unexpected. I haven't drawn spawn since I was a kid and took some liberties with his costume. I can't wait to see everyone's entries this week. You can check the just plain inked version sans colors of this image at my blog by clicking on my name in the contributors section. Also be sure to check out the other artists' blogs for some fantastic work.
What Is Spitballin' Comics?
We are a Toronto based artist collective, chalk full of comic book enthusiasts and professionals. Every week one of our members will choose a new character and each of us will provide our own interpretation of the chosen subject. We will be adding more contributors over the next few weeks and presenting you with a wide variety of subject matter. Enjoy the art.
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